Subcision is a minor in-office surgical technique used to treat acne scars. It is often recommended alongside other medical treatments to diminish acne scarring.
Benzoyl peroxide is usually one of the first treatments recommended for mild to moderate acne.
Injections are one of the options for treating scarring, and especially atrophic scars.
Dermapen is a wonderful, completely natural treatment that ‘helps the skin to help itself’.
What is Acne? Acne is a common skin condition where comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled pimples (pustules) cover various parts of the body (face, upper chest, back, under arms, and/or buttocks). The face and trunk are the most common affected areas. In the...
Adult acne is common Acne is the eighth most common skin disease worldwide* and one study found that 85% of females and 15% of males have adult pimples*. You may have had spots since your teenage years, or it may be a new skin...
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